I’m Marina Yerokhova

Personal Life & Career Coach In Toronto

Get Empowered To Create The Life You Want!

Personal Life Coaching

What is possible for YOU?
If you could CREATE your life anyway you want – what would that be?
How can you attract opportunities vs chasing and pushing for things to happen?

Together, we can figure it out! I will be by your side every step of the way!

Career Building

Do you want to do something you love and get paid for it. Yes. It is possible!
What are your strengths and talents? How to make the right choice in your career?
If anything were possible, what would you do? What would your day look like?

Let me help you to discover your ideal vision and together we will work to make it a reality!

What Is Possible For YOU?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” – Einstein.

Unfortunately, most of us are not aware of our thinking, opportunities and available choices. Especially, if we operate in the survival mode and stuck in the routine of life feeling like a “squirrel in a wheel”. Lack of awareness is not setting us up for success.
That is when coaching comes to help – tapping into your inner wisdom to find all your answers! The inner shift is very powerful. It is nurturing your Self-Confidence, which is an inner knowing that you are able to find a solution for any situation, rely on, and trust yourself no matter what.

If you could CREATE your life any way you want – what would that be?

How can you attract opportunities vs chasing and pushing for things to happen?

Together, we can work out a plan to get you on your way to enjoying this journey.

How Does It Work?

I am offering a free discovery coaching session for you to share with me what you’re looking for in a coach. This session will also give us an opportunity to understand what it would be like for us to work together. My intention for this session is for you to walk away with some valuable insights no matter what.

There is no magic… you will need to put an effort… but it’s all sooo worth it!!!

I will help you to look at things differently, to create new habits, a new way of thinking so you can have different actions that create different results – a new way of being! A joyful YOU who will attract new opportunities!

Are you ready to understand who you are, what you want and what makes you happy?

Are you ready to make yourself a priority?

Let's Connect

12 + 15 =