Marina Yerokhova

Personal Life & Career Coach In Toronto
Helping Kick-start New Lifestyles
Hi, I’m Marina! I am very passionate about helping women to create a fulfilled joyful life by drawing upon their inner power. This power is our intuition, strengths, gifts, and talents. Discovering my gifts helped me to have an amazing transformation and create a fulfilled life on purpose. Do you know what your gifts are?

My Story

I had my first coaching experience in 2011, as part of my study at the University of Santa Monica. For 2 years, I had to be in the seat of the coach, coachee and an observer to get the full learning experience. That is when I realized the power of coaching.

It has been a very transformational journey for me that helped me to understand who I am, what makes me happy and how I can contribute. How I can live my life at full potential. I learned if I want to have different results I need to become a different version of myself – a different Being, with different thinking and habits. My “aha moment” was mind-blowing – in order for me to create the life I want, I need to become the “best version of myself”!

I took massive actions and my results were astonishing. From being in Finance for 15 years and working with numbers to working with people. From living in survival mode and being stuck in the routine of life wondering where my days are going by to creating the life I want and enjoying every minute of it.

I made it my life mission to help women to bring that magic CHANGE in their lives.  From the Art of Feminine Presence Teacher Training learning how to teach women to connect with their intuition and attract what they want vs pushing for things to happen, to Master Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica learning techniques to find out Soul Desires. I became an Associate Certified Coach accredited by the International Coach Federation and learned coaching tools and I am not going to stop here. I feel it is important to constantly develop myself, learn new skills, tools and techniques so I can help you to live a happy life. I also volunteer as a Coach to spread awareness about the transformational power that coaching brings.


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